Akai MPC 4000 Sounds
MPC 4000 Sounds are pre-programmed in the Kontakt .akp format. Sound kits that feature 128 sounds will contain 4 .akp files: Drums (64), Effects (32), Instruments/ Synths (32) and then a fourth akp file containing both the Effects and Instruments (64). Kits including only Drums will have 2 .pgm files with 64 drums each. Addon Collections typically feature 96 samples spread across 3 akp files. MPC4000 instrument sounds feature one sample on each pad bank in each akp file and are mapped across all of the pads. Sound kits featuring 64 sounds will contain 1 patch file.
To order Akai MPC 4000 Sounds, choose the ‘MPC 4000’ option under ‘Format’ and the ‘Shipping’ CD-ROM ($2) or Download Option (instant download) when checking out. MPC 4000 sounds ship in .akp program and .wav files. Get special package Hip Hop Sample CDs, Reggaeton Sample CD, Latin Sample CD, Drum Sample CD under the ‘Special Price Sounds’.
View all sound kits at https://www.gotchanoddin.com